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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Why Are Whippets So Wonderful?

Why are whippets so wonderful?

Every day I ask my self that question. There is definitely something very special about these truly amazing dogs.

We have two in our house. They are actually my daughter's, but we all love them to bits! (Well, the men in the family don't show it all the time). Daughter and I are besotted with them.

Ignore the foot, here are our two just under a year ago - the older puppy underneath took to, what we worked out to be her half-sister, within a couple of minutes of meeting her. (This photo made a great Kindle skin too -

Back to analysing whippets...

Sophie, the older one, is gentle and seems to be incredibly kind - if such an attribute can be given to a dog. She looks after her sister, and he humans. Rosie, is a lovable rascal. More overtly pesky than Sophie, she is also very loving.

A year on from getting Rosie, they are about the same size and run as fast as each other - although I reckon Sophie sometimes cruises along so that her sister can keep up. And she does seem to have more stamina too.

Such a joy to watch them running.

Sophie is a great ball chaser, and being a sight dog, can see the ball even in the gloom of dusk. A very gentle creature with beautiful eyes.

Rosie on the other hand, much prefers the chukka handle to the ball. Many's the time we've had to dodge her charging at the back of our knees (not deliberately to knock us over - I'm sure?!?!). Definitely pesky, this little one.

Flyball. I must tell you about our whippets and flyball.

Sophie was the first to join the local flyball club as Rosie was too young. At first she seemed very nervous, but she had a good go at everything an did extremely well. One-to-one sessions have been amazing, and while she is a nervous dog, she is very, very fast and has the pick-up off pat.

Just last week, Rosie had her first flyball lesson - and was truly amazing too. So, now the club has two potential winners on their books. 

Having said that, flyball is very noisy and we have no idea how they will do in a competition atmosphere, but time will tell.


Back soon.

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